Cancer is an unruly, pervasive thing. It’s part of all of our lives now – we’ve all been affected somehow, emotionally or physically. But what often gets overlooked is the devastating financial toll the disease takes on patients and families already fighting for their lives.
Small Cures is inspired by Kandie Wong. After being diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in 2015, she quickly realized it affects every aspect of life – including adding tons of financial stress. Fortunately, Kandie received incredible support from family and friends, and she now wishes to help others with similar struggles.
This year we’re raising funds to support Wellspring Cancer Support Services. More specifically their Money Matters program, which assists patients dealing with the financial effects of cancer by helping them navigate the workplace, government and community programs that can provide things like income replacement, drug coverage, transportation and relief from overdue bills.
Small or large, your donation will make a huge difference in the everyday life of someone living with cancer.